Boost your immune system! (We are still open for business!)

Recently I read a wonderful opinion piece on @medicalobserver by Dr Joe Kosterich about the #coronavirus response. And I very much agree; it is not a disease to be taken lightly, but there are ways to help prevent contracting and also reducing severity if we do manage to catch it.

Dr Kosterich puts it very simply:
– “This includes washing hands, and coughing into a tissue or our elbow. It includes staying home if genuinely ill. Don’t visit elderly relatives if you are unwell”

– “regular exercise and managing stress also support the immune system”

– “getting adequate sleep, eating a nutritious diet with good amounts of vitamins and minerals (and perhaps supplementing with vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D) all help immune function”

That’s right! This seems like something I talked about in a recent video!

So time to boost up your immune system. Get some sleep. Exercise regularly. Give your body the best chance to fight of this virus!

Dr Joe Kosterich article:
Supplements to Boost Your Immune System:

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