An Advanced Paediatric Chiropractor is a full member of the Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics (ACCP) and has completed a minimum 2-year postgraduate qualification in paediatric chiropractic recognised by the ACCP.

Dr Christian Fludder (Chiropractor for Children)

B.Chiro.Sc., M.Chiropractic, DACCP
Advanced Paediatric Chiropractor (ACCP 2023)
Member Australian College Chiropractic Paediatrics

Dr Christian completed his Masters of Chiropractic from Macquarie University in 2005, and since then has completed several post-graduate seminars and certificates in a range of fields – kinesiology, neurology, nutrition and methylation, and most recently has completed a Diplomate of Chiropractic Paediatrics.

Dr Christian has been involved in teaching Chiropractic paediatrics across Australia and internationally for over 7 years, both as a part of the Chiropaeds team and individually. As well as this, he runs a YouTube channel for parents and is a co-host of a podcast for chiropractors.

Dr Christian also has a keen interest in sports (Rugby Union!) and photography. So be careful if you get him started on these topics!

Why do parents bring their kids to Dr Christian?

While Dr Christian loves working with kids of all ages (the youngest he has seen was 4 hours old!), he does have a particular interest in those with plagiocephaly, hip dysplasia and those with neurobehavioural/neurodivergent conditions such as Autism and anxiety. The initial consultation runs for about one hour, and in this time he will go through a thorough history and examination, and discuss how chiropractic may be able to assist their developing nervous and musculoskeletal systems.

Maybe there are some tips you can find here?

Fludder, C.J., Keil, B.G. & Neave, M.J. “Case Report: Morphological changes evident after manual therapy in two cases of late-diagnosed developmental dysplasia of the hip” Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2023, 10(1)

Fludder, C.J. & Keil, B.G. “Letter to the Editor: Treatment of infantile idiopathic scoliosis using a novel thoracolumbosacral orthosis: a case report” Journal of Medical Case Reports, 2022, 16:421

Keil, B.G. & Fludder, C.J. “Letter to the Editor: “The effect of chiropractic care on infantile colic: results from a single-blind randomised controlled trial” and “Identifying potential treatment effect modifiers of the effectiveness of chiropractic care to infants with colic through prespecified secondary analyses of a randomised controlled trial”” Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 2021, 29(1):1-2

Fludder, C.J, Bourgeois-Bell, J., Neave, M., Committee on Chiropractic Paediatric Diagnostic And Therapeutic Procedures “Policy: Infant Hip Screening”. Endorsed by the Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics 2020.

Keil, B.G. & Fludder, C.J. “The prevalence and predisposing factors of infant glenohumeral joint dysfunction: a retrospective study of 178 cases” Chiropractic Journal of Australia, 2020; 47: 65-71

Fludder, C.J. & Keil, B.G. “Deformational plagiocephaly and reduced cervical spine range of motion: a retrospective case series of 150 infants in a paediatric chiropractic clinic” Journal of Alternate Therapies in Health and Medicine, 2020; Jul 15;AT6232. ePub ahead of print.

Fludder, C.J. & Keil, B.G. “Routine Screening for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip by chiropractors: A case report of late diagnosis in an infant” Journal of the Canadian Chiropractors Association, 2020; 64(2): 144-155

Fludder, C.J. & Bourgeois-Bell, J. ” Chiropractic management of an infant with breastfeeding difficulty and poor weight gain: A case study”. Breastfeeding Review, 2020; 28(1): 21-28

Fludder, C.J., Keil, B.G., Bourgeois-Bell, J., Kohlhoff, S., Repka, L., Epskamp, A., Neave, M. “Interim Policy: Spinal Manipulation in Children under 2 Years of Age”. Endorsed by the Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics 2019.

Keil, B.G., Neave, M., Bourgeois-Bell, J., Kohlhoff, S., Epskamp, A., Fludder, C.J., Committee on Chiropractic Paediatric Diagnostic And Therapeutic Procedures “Policy: Using the Infant Inversion Test”. Endorsed by the Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics 2019.

Fludder, CJ., Bourgeois-Bell, J., Thomas, J., McNamara, C. & Kyte, J. “Chiropractic Evidence-Based Management of Breastfeeding Difficulty”. Endorsed by the Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics 2018.

Fludder, C.J. & Keil, B.G. “Instrument-assisted delivery and the prevalence of reduced cervical spine range of motion in infants” Chiropractic Journal of Australia, 2018; 46:162-171

Fludder, C.J. & Keil, B.G. “Presentation of neonates and infants with spinal vs extremity joint dysfunction” Chiropractic Journal of Australia, 2018; 46:79-91

Keil, B.G. & Fludder, C.J. “Chiropractic Evidence-Based Management of Deformational Plagiocephaly”. Endorsed by the Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics 2017.

Fludder, C.J. & Keil, B.G. “The prevalence of extremity joint dysfunction in neonates and infants within a paediatric chiropractic clinic” Chiropractic Journal of Australia, 2017; 45:359-367

World Congress of Chiropractic Students – RMIT Chapter (2018) – Introduction to Paediatric Chiropractic

The Chiropractic Alumni (tCA) (2019) – The Adolescent Spine

Chiropaeds Paediatric Masterclass Singapore (2019)

Chiropaeds Paediatric Masterclass Malaysia (2019)

DACCP Refresher Program Adelaide (2019)

ACCP Annual Conference 2020 – The importance of Research, Writing Case Studies

The Kid’s Summit 2021 – Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

ACCP Annual Conference 2021 – The Infant Hip

North Queensland Paediatric Forum 2022 – Why see a chiropractor (Chiropractic Assistant stream), The Infant Hip/The Limping Child

ACCP Annual Conference 2022 – Morphological changes on xray after manual therapy in late-diagnosed DDH

Follow Dr Christian on YouTube!